Testing Services
Below is an overview of the current tests offered and how they can be used to improve the quality and consistency of your beers.
Let's work together to make the best version of your beer a reality.

Measure of fermentable sugars
An important metric for hot side (OG and fermentation tracking (FG)

Measure of acidity or alkalinity
An important metric for hot side (mash pH), fermentation (yeast health, infection indicator), the final product (infection indicator, consistency)

Cell Count & Viability
Staining with methylene blue and counting of yeast cells under a microscope
Determines cell count and viability of a yeast slurry or pitch rate
Can be important in preventing stalled fermentations

Forced Diacetyl
Qualitative detection of diacetyl
A quick way to test via sensory if diacetyl is still present in a fermentation and if more rest time is needed before crashing

Alcohol by Volume
Used for label approval and recipe confirmation

Total Acidity Titration
Quantitative determination of acidity
Can be used in correlation with pH to determine how sour a beer is
Will give more sensory insight than just pH alone

Vicinal Diketones
Quantitative detection of diacetyl
Gives a concentration of vicinal diketones in parts per million
Can be tested during fermentation to determine if further diacetyl rest period is necessary

Standard Reference Method
Color of the beer sample
Use to make recipe adjustments or to detect changes in malt quality

International Bitterness Units
Bitterness of the beer sample
Can be used to make recipe adjustments or to detect changes in alpha acid content between hop lots

Detection of Wild Yeast
Tests for non-saccharomyces wild yeast which can impart phenolic off-flavors and over carbonation of beer via over attenuation
PCR testing needed for genus identification

Detection of wort and beer spoiling bacteria
Tests for various bacteria that can produce off flavors in wort and beer
A gram stain/catalase test will be necessary for identification in the event of a positive result

Detection of lactic acid bacteria
Anaerobic tubes test for Lactobacillus and Pediococcus which can sour beer
Identification is possible through visual inspection

Full Micro
Combination of LMDA+, LCSM, and HLP on fermentation, brite tank, or can samples
Detection of Enteric bacteria
Commonly found in water sources

Gram Stain & Catalase Test
Identification of wort and beer spoiling bacteria upon the presence of growth on LMDA+ or MacConkey plates

Testing for Superattenuator Strains
Brettanomyces and Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. diastaticus are super-attenuating yeasts which are regarded as spoilers in conventional beers

Sensory Panel Training
Trainings offered include off-flavor training, beer styles, tasting technique, blind tastings, and triangle tastings
Off flavor sessions available for up to 10 participants

Call, virtual, or in-person session to discuss any issues that need to be addressed
Can include discussion of fermentation issues/yeast health, positive microbiological sources, off-flavors, and raw materials